Having merrily distracted myself for the past week or so, its back to the seersucker with renewed vim and vigor! The neckline and straps are bound, the zipper is in, I just need to full attach everything (i.e. el straps) and hem it, and this sucker will be done!
It often astounds me how a project that is just dragging on can become exciting again just by putting it down for a week.
Also, further thoughts on the bedsheet dress. While taking the four inches off did help, it still isn't tight enough to wear without a belt. However, due to the age of the fabric and the lack of good stretch and recovery these days, I am hesitant to take it any further. However, I think its going to be a good basis for future dresses. I recently got a pair of red flats and I've decided I need a black dress to go with them... (so yes, I shop backwards. it happens)
plus, I seem to be sinking into the floor...
Yeah, short of lining each bodice panel with power mesh, I think you may be at your limit given your fabric. You look damn good in the belt anyway. :)