Tuesday, November 1, 2011


 I don’t know about you, but this is what I wore to work on Monday*.  I like the think of myself as the embodiment of all that is awesome.   – for context, no one else, either in my office or my building, was in costume, so I made quite the sensation, as well as provoking a number of debates (after I had passed) as to whether I was a crocodile, a dragon or a dinosaur.   Personally, I thought it was fairly obvious I was an Allosaurus.

Anyhow, this costume dates from two years ago when some friends of mine decided that we should have a costume contest at the Halloween party – and I decided that I was going to win.   Well, they walked in, saw me, and refused to compete – I think that counts as that total victory.

Anyhow, its self drafted, my own design, etc..   The original version also had a lower jaw, but it was impossible to eat and a little difficult to breath, so I jettisoned it for this year. 

*In case any work people see this, yes, I got permission to use the pictures.


  1. Wow. Just wow. I want I want I want! hehe! Sooooooooooo cool! hehe!

  2. Did you wear the costume all day? Hats off to you if you did! Fantastic.

  3. Ummm...YES OMG YES. Love love love this - I laughed out loud in my cube.


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