bjhjhk Friday fjldsfjlksdfjlkdsjfl Saturday fjdfjdlsfjl;sdfj;dl Sunday
Here we have the past three days...
Friday, MM dress, also batik, also new look 6557 (like the red dress)
Saturday, between laundry and high winds, it was only the coat, and I didn't even get a picture wearing it. yes, yes, its annoyed with me too.
Sunday, the capris/shorts/pants whatever we're calling them things. (Today was a low-key cleaning sort of a day. highly successful, but not so much a day for sundresses.)
In actual sewing news:
The seersucker progresses, slowly but surely. I pressed and tacked all the seam intersections to keep the bulk to a minimum. Now I'm just playing with fit to determine what needs to be altered, pulled in, let out, etc... stripes REALLY show any errors, so this may take a while. no pictures, because, well, I'm being a bum. c'est la vie.
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