Sunday, August 7, 2011

murder most foul!

my charming hostess
The story of the shift dress --  This weekend I went to a 60s themed murder mystery dinner party (hence the 'cigarettes' -- cardboard and glitter, don't worry) to which I had planned to wear a dress I'd left at my mother's house.   Since then, my old bedroom has become something of a storage room, and the dress, despite my frantic and harried search, could not be found.  So- the search began for something - anything - that could be made reasonably 60s, reasonably glamorous and really really fast.  Finally,  I landed upon a truly horrible shift dress I'd made my sophomore year of high school  (shapeless, ankle length and originally worn with a a lace overcoat thing)   Anyhow, fast forward to yesterday, and I realized that if I cut off about two feet, it would be more or less appropriate.   Following a hasty hem, the addition of some crazy 60s jewelry, something of a half beehive and knee high boots (that didn't make it into the pictures), I was ready to go.

.....and in case you were curious, I didn't do it!

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